Category Archives: Uncategorized

He Thought Coming Out Would Cost Him His Job. But The Question His Boss Asked After Was Perfect.

Voice of the people: Justin Dornbusch – Alderman David Little and the LGBT resolution …

Alderman David Little and the LGBT resolution

The plus-one insurance debate in Starkville this past month provided plenty of objectionable responses: hate, ignorance about the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Questioning) community and hypocritical calls for following Old Testament law. Despite these predictable reactions, Alderman Little’s comments about the LGBT resolution stand out. Alderman Little, like other members on the Board of Alderman, explained that he voted for the inclusive resolution simply for the increased city rating and the possibility of federal grants.

Certainly, Alderman Little is not alone here, but he is unique in one regard. Besides openly admitting a lack of integrity, Little produced this gem: “There is a difference between a resolution and an ordinance.”

Thank you, Alderman Little for pointing out your legal obligations. The LGBTQ community in Mississippi is aware they don’t have codified non-discrimination laws in this state, and could for example, be fired for their sexual orientation. We are aware that we have no guaranteed hospital visitation rights for our loved ones and we certainly know that same-sex parental rights are seriously impaired.

How kind of you to remind us of the situation. What should we glean from this comment? One possible interpretation: Your word is no good. Where I come from, that is a serious moral failing.

Justin Dornbusch – Starkville

Lynn Spruill: The quest for acceptance


Lynn Spruill –

There has been more than one postmortem written about Starkville Board of Aldermen meetings over the past few weeks. Without question employee-paid insurance has created a division between some residents in our community. It is a cautionary tale that deserves a few more words.

I never fail to be surprised by the vehemence of the opposition to a path many committed people feel is right for them.

I am not a disinterested observer. I have friends who work for the city who are affected by the decision. That doesn’t mean that listening to the opposing side of the argument can’t be educational and thought-provoking. There were two points posed that deserved further examination.

One was the premise that if you are standing by your interpretation of your faith-based convictions, you shouldn’t support those who are in defiance of those beliefs. Ergo, you don’t condone their actions with support of a benefit to an employee whose beliefs and lifestyle are in opposition to yours. Were one to follow that logic and boycott companies that believe inclusiveness and diversity are valuable tools for their employee workforce, the impact would be dramatic.

You would have to keep your children out of Nike shoes. No more Disneyland for your grandchildren. Not a whole lot of movie choices left since Disney and Sony are out of the question. You might want to plant your own wheat or corn because Cheerios and Grape Nuts are also off the table.

You would lose your Google and Yahoo search engines, but that wouldn’t matter because your computer would be useless without the Microsoft or Apple operating systems. Without a computer, Ebay certainly would become irrelevant. You would find yourself operating back in the 1950s, which is where you might be more comfortable anyway.

These are just a few of the companies that support and encourage diversity in the workplace. They have personnel policies that foster an environment that welcomes the productivity flowing from acceptance.

There are many companies ranked by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) for being supportive of and friendly to the concept of diversity. HRC analysts have been tracking this for a decade and have documented the growth trend in Fortune 500 companies. We are not talking about a “don’t ask, don’t tell” type environment. These are workplaces that support openness.

If you patronize or have stock in a Fortune 500 company, chances are you are supporting a diversity-friendly corporation. Over 300 of the 500 companies embrace a nondiscrimination workplace policy. In other words they openly respect and value the contributions self-identified LGBT employees bring to their bottom line.

Before you withdraw from the 21st century, maybe, just maybe, you can do a little research to discover why those American companies with strong foundations in American values have chosen to honor their unconventional employees. If we may turn to a sports analogy. The team is stronger for its diversity. As good as Dak is, MSU couldn’t have beaten LSU with all Daks on the field.

The second premise I found amusing was the charge that LGBT supporters were all “transients.” I can without qualification say there is a LGBT community native to Mississippi. While the state may not yet be friendly to us, it can’t stop us from being born within its borders.

Perhaps if you think back, you remember an “old maid” aunt or spinster school teacher. Do you really think they just couldn’t find a good man? How about that confirmed bachelor antique dealer or professor? Were they just happier playing the field? Statistically speaking the LGBT community comprises about 10 percent of the population.

Is there an LGBT agenda? Of course there is. The agenda is to obtain the acceptance of our neighbors and equitable treatment by our employers. It is to live full and rich lives with the ones we love without fear of reprisals or ostracism. It is to live and let live with equal treatment by those in power. It is to share in America’s freedoms and bounty as we are willing to work and contribute.

How do we get there? I witnessed a good first step at this same meeting. One of the pastors who spoke vehemently against this insurance proposal came to a member of the LGBT community and her partner of 26 years and made plans to have dinner with them. That gives me hope.

Hope because when you get to know “them” it becomes harder to sustain the animosity and distance we witnessed over the past few weeks. Hope because “them” are no more or less flawed than “us.” Hope because once those who are doing the condemning pause and honestly consider the character of some of our LGBT neighbors, I believe they will accord them the high esteem they deserve.

We are the South

A photo campaign amplifying the robust lives, intersectional organizing, and leadership of LGBTQ people, people of color, and immigrant communities and organizations who are living and loving at the intersection of racial justice and LGBTQ liberation in the South.

Plus-one, Minus Love


(c) Melissa Grimes – September 16, 2014

I don’t like Christians…which is ironic, considering I am one.  I find it far easier to like, and even love, my atheist and agnostic friends. Of course, it’s easy to love my Christian friends who support me; the ones who believe it’s perfectly okay that God made me gay.  But the ones who spew such hatred toward me, are hard to love.

Tonight, I like Christians even less than normal.  Tonight, I am ashamed.  I am ashamed of the city I love.  The city I have chosen to make my home.  Just earlier this year, I wrote a post praising the actions of our Board of Aldermen after Starkville became the first Mississippi city to pass a non-discrimination ordinance.  However, tonight, I have no praise for them; only shame and disappointment for the cowardice they displayed.

For the last three hours, I have…

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Dept. Of Justice Will Ask US Supreme Court To Uphold Same-Sex Marriage

Freedom to Marry launches national TV ad declaring “It’s time” for Marriage Equality

It’s Past time…

Jesus Didn’t Discriminate
